Are you ready to feel CONFIDENT about the sales tax you’re charging your clients?

Sales tax and the way it works in Canada is one of the most confusing bits of running a business – so many rules and so much onus on the business owner to get it right!
After this 5-part series (of short and succinct) content, you’ll be able to sleep better knowing that you’re correctly charging and capturing sales tax!
Jayne wall

About this course

Hi!  I’m Jayne – I’ve been working with small business owners for over a decade and have helped so many entrepreneurs correct and file their sales tax.

I’ve created this course to de-mystify sales tax and it’s rules for small business owners.  You can expect to walk away empowered and so much clearer on what your obligations for sales tax are and all the how-tos involved.

In this 5 lesson series, you will:

Lesson 1
Understand the basics of how sales tax works
Lesson 2
Figure out the provincial requirements within the country
Lesson 3
Know what to charge out of country clients
Lesson 4
Learn your sales tax responsibilities when you are charging in USD
Lesson 5
Realize the importance of ITCs and how they work
jayne red bkg square

Course content becomes available April 15th!

$79+sales tax if you sign up now.


“You are such a talented communicator! You actually make bookkeeping enjoyable… like something we all should do! “

Salome Cerqueira

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“Despite having a successful business, I have been a bit phobic of bookkeeping and was finding the minutiae of day to day expense and tax management overwhelming. With a few easy to use – and dare I say fun – excel documents, Jayne has helped me grow my awareness. I know exactly where my money is and how much is in any account at any given time. Surprising by-product: my spending has decreased. Thanks so much, Jayne!”

Karen M.